The Art of Manifesting
When you manifest something you really want, or someone you want to meet, it’s like the world is helping you get closer to those dreams. It’s like how dry leaves fall from trees and dance in the wind gently, just to land perfectly in somebody’s hands. We all have that kind of unique path, sometimes tasting bitter, but whenever it comes close to you, nothing beats the sweetness of life.
I once dreamt about how I wanted to be. It wasn’t that complicated because I just wanted to be a scriptwriter, directing a movie, a very good and impactful movie, and then living my life as a famous independent woman who travels around the world and makes journalism about people, culture, and every magical part that I’ve encountered. I wished it was easy. I wished I could write everything and learn from people every time.
But fortunately, the world never leaves me or sets me apart from what I desire. Working in a creative agency and creating so many scripts for as many brands as possible in the world is my first step. I know it’s totally different from what I wanted, but this chance, to create ideas, to write a story, to be seen, to be heard, to meet so many amazing people, it is actually a gift.
My journey wasn’t that easy, achieving character development in my own movie was so freaking hard I almost gave up everything lol. But one thing that keeps me running as fast as possible beside my high ego is my dream. If I couldn’t pass through shits like this, how could I tell everything to the world, how could I have some interesting stories that may entertain people, or my child? My grandchild? I don’t know, maybe the parameters of success are different for some people, and maybe for me, I don’t wanna die without creating anything just because I couldn’t handle the downfall of my hopes, ego, and people’s expectations for me.
This may not be an exception, but near-miss moments ARE exactly what haunt me. Like have you ever imagined that “this person is the one that I want to grow old with,” but he’s just another close friend of yours? Patiently brightening up your day, giving a lot LOT of beautiful stories that make you wonder, how could you keep talking to me and not want to kiss me. Yeah, this happened not just once, a shadow of perfection, autumn leaves that dance around, or just a beautiful horse on a carousel, where I can touch, I can feel the emotion, but the moment shall pass, not stopping and deciding to take a new journey in life with me.
That’s what I love about being in love, I guess. How everything is worth romanticizing and all the protagonists are giving you a bunch of your idealism, you can talk with them, no limited time, adoring them as much as you want, and still having that kind of peace.
But this time, it’s not about how beautiful life is when you meet your crush. It’s about how great life is when nature gives you the path to your dreams, protects you from storms, or throws all the aromatic flowers while you’re dancing. You’re right, it’s 100% impossible. That’s why I still need to wake up and record my prep for work, play my favorite songs on Spotify, choose a fine outfit, and look great till the end of the day. How romantic.
Day after day, I keep doing the same thing, and I don’t forget to enjoy every second of the weekend. Keeping my head sane with new unnecessary thoughts like “do we need to get drunk or just a bit drunk?” Trust me, it is quite a waste of time, but trust me, sometimes you need to be stupid to enjoy your life.
Back to my dreams, sometimes I feel anxious knowing everything is dynamic. Trying so hard to make it consistent, willing so hard to make everything mine. But yeah, every emotion that you’re reading right now is just how I cope when life feels like shit. And that’s okay, sometimes writing doesn’t need any real objective. Sometimes it flows like teardrops. Because it’s all part of manifesting.